Thursday, September 6, 2012

Herding Cats

Oh. My. Goodness. What a week! (And yes, I realize its not over yet!) Tuesday was our first day of school! I must have been so nervous last year since it was my first big girl job that I forgot anything about the first day. I forgot how little my newly three year old babies would really be! Wow!! And I totally forgot that no one really talks the first few days because the toys are all new and exciting so why socialize when you have a train table and a dress up box! Teachers actually walked past our classroom saying "Why is it so quiet in here?" I am not complaining at all, but it was almost strange! Come October I'm going to be wishing for the peaceful, quiet classroom back! Now walking in a line is a different story. Please picture trying to herd cats. As soon as you get them all going the right way for maybe 10 breaks the line then the next thing you know CHAOS! You have one in front of the line leader, four on the wrong side of the stairs, the line leader that wont move forward so everyone behind her is walking into her...forming a giant clump. YIKES! But its ok, we will get it. I have faith in my little polka-dots that we can master walking in a line by the third week of school. Challenge accepted!!

Everyday this week I have babysat at least once...but tuesday and thursday twice. As one of the moms at school put it today.. I hope I dont get burnt out on children by the time I'm married and want my own!

As I was babysitting tonight, the 7 year old boy asked..."When are you going to get married Miss Megan." I said "Whenever I find a husband!" He said "well when will that be?" I told him goodnight and we could talk about this when I overnight babysit him in a few weeks.

As for now, I have to go to sleep. I didnt sleep too well last night after I was awoken because I slammed my head into the wall beside my bed. I'm getting a little concerned about my sleeping habits and why I was violently moving my head to begin with! Yikes!!

Heres to a good night of sleep and a straight line at school tomorrow!

Miss Megan

1 comment:

  1. I am glad I am not the only one who has trouble with their kids getting in a line!! This week seems to be going better than last, but that first week was hard!
