Saturday, September 1, 2012

34-32 The Day I became a Mountaineer

September 1st 2007. A day that gives Mountaineers chills. This day will forever live in our hearts as the day we beat Michigan State. 

On September 1st 2007, I woke up in my lofted twin bed in Doughton, my freshman dorm. I had been in Boone for about 2 weeks and was absolutely loving it. I had made plans to watch the App/Michigan game with my new college boyfriend, lets call him C. I thought I was so cool because I had already found a boyfriend. Let me tell you what a mistake that was! So C and I stroll down to Legends, an on campus "venue" because they were playing the game. C and I find seats and begin to watch the game. I can remember seeing some of my football friends on the field, sending them a text, and actually getting a response from the field. Talk about making a freshman feel cool. Legends was packed with college students ready to watch the game. As much as we all would love to think we were about to beat Michigan...chances were not likely. This was my first game where I could watch MY college so I was excited win or lose. So the game goes on and we are down to the last few minutes. I wish I could explain what happened but it is all such a blur now. There was alot of sitting and standing and jumping and screaming and then....A WIN! Legends went crazy. There were tears, hugging of strangers, screaming, shocked faces and then....a rush of people running out of the door and onto the campus. Students flooded not only the Appalachian campus but all of 
Boone to run through the streets. Of course C and I join in the festivities. Next stop, the football field. As a Freshman, I have no idea what is going on, I'm just running around being excited. I am stunned as I see the field goal being torn down right before my eyes. Its not left on the field, no, its going with us. So the parade continues...only this time with a field goal. Street lights are being taken down left and right but theres no stopping the GIANT group of students with a field goal. The craziness continues for awhile....ok awhile is an understatement. This goes on all afternoon and evening. Around 12 that night, there is a giant gathering at the stadium as the football team arrives back in town! It was as if they were heroes! I wish I could talk about the day more but its been five years. Here are some of my own pictures from the day and some that were taken by others. 

September 1st 2007 will forever be the day I became a Mountaineer. 

September 1st 2012: ASU vs. ECU.
Lets go 'Neers! 

Miss Megan

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