Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Patience and Prayers

Tomorrow I will be facing a difficult situation. I can honestly say I think everything I learned in my four years of college comes down to this. I wish I could elaborate, but I just cant. Lots of prayers are needed. I need my patience and a whole lot of empathy, which is what basically an entire class in college was about. I can do this. I am prepared for this.


an anxious Miss Megan

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Queen City

Last night I went to Charlotte to visit my best friend Lauren and her boyfriend James. Lauren was my college best friend and roommate for our year in the APH. She recently moved from Tennessee to Charlotte which is super exciting because she is closer to me! I was excited about visiting Charlotte because the last time I was there, I was in high school touring colleges. I had no idea what to expect. Of course as we walked the streets I kept my eyes open for an Emily and Jef spotting, but no such luck. We went to a bar called Black Finn. This bar was recommended to me by a... lets call him...friend. This same friend met us there for drinks. It was fabulous catching up with him because its been about 2 years since we have spoken. It was weird though.. at some moments I felt like I was meeting him for the first time, and at other moments it seemed like we were right back where we were 2 years ago. I also got to see my baby cousin Lynsey! She stopped by Black Finn! Cant believe how much she has grown up! We hung out at Black Finn for a few hours then decided to head back to Lauren and James' apartment. Another acquaintance lives in Charlotte and stopped by the apartment to say hello after we got home from uptown. Lets call him..."mr. perfect." Mr. Perfect is a whole different story for another blog post, but it was great to see him also. My night ended as I fell asleep happily on the couch watch Friends. I was not so happy this morning when I realized I had left the tv on and woke up to Spongebob yelling at me about eating crabby patties! Today Lauren and I ventured to Concord Mills to do a little shopping. After visiting Charlotte, I have figured out that there is more to the world than Winston-Salem. I think it might be time to expand my horizons after this school year. 
We'll see. 


Miss Megan

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Peace, Love, America

On the evening of September 10th 2001, I packed my bag for the following days JV tennis practice. I climbed into bed and I was unable to fall asleep. Something was on my mind but at the time I couldnt tell you what it was. I remember seeing the clock hit 4 AM and I was still tossing and turning and my mind was racing. Finally, I fell asleep for about 2 hours. September 11, 2001 I walked into Mr. Brambletts 7th grade science class like any other typical day. I was sitting my my friends Leane and Laura learning about "science" or more likely watching a movie about something that Mr. Bramblett thought was scientific. I think it was right when it was time to change classes, as I was leaving Mr. Brambletts room I overheard someone in the hall that was coming in for the next class talking about a plane hitting a building. In my sheltered 7th grade mind, I was curious but had no idea what could have happened. When I arrived in Mrs. Moore's 7th grade history class to a substitute teacher, we were all informed of what had happened in New York City. Since we had a substitute she was a little unsure as to what to do with the situation because we were to be taking our first test of the year. She told us to continue taking the test but she would turn on CNN for us to be watching. Talk about a distraction. Being terrified and trying to understand what was going on in the world while taking a test. I remember the worst part was being so unsure of everything. Unsure of what had actually happened, unsure of why, unsure of who did this...was it an accident? Unsure if we were next? My dad worked at my school so luckily I felt a little safer than others. I remember seeing classmates crying because they had family members either in New York or Washington DC. Since I went to a private Pre-K through 12th grade school there were lots of different ideas about September 11th going on. I remember having our middle school director talk to us as a grade later in the day telling us not to talk about the events in the hallway in case some of the lower school students were walking by. I'm sure the high schoolers were told the same thing about us. The high school all assembled in various locations with projectors to watch what was unfolding all day. In middle school we carried on at a semi-normal pace.  Towards the end of the day, we were informed that all after school activities were cancelled. I was bummed that I wouldn't have tennis that day but was pretty eager to get home and talk to my parents and try to understand what had happened. I decided after school I would still change into my clothes that I packed for tennis. When I opened up my bag I had packed the night before, I was a little shocked to see what I had packed. I had planned on wearing a shirt that had the peace symbol, a heart, then the American flag. My mom had bought me this shirt for 4th of July the summer before but I had never worn it. I'm not sure why I decided that I would pack that shirt to wear for the first time on September 11th, maybe its just a coincidence, but it gave me a feeling that I will never forget.
September 11th will forever be in my generations heart as our first tragedy that we were able to remember. Gone but never forgotten are all the loved ones that were lost that day for reasons that on Earth we can not explain. 

Sorry for the somber note today, just something that needed to happen! 

xoxo with a little extra American pride today,
Miss Megan

Monday, September 10, 2012

Reliving High School

So this weekend, my friends and I ventured to a venue in Winston-Salem called Ziggys for the Sister Hazel concert. Sister Hazel is one of those bands that its just impossible to hate them. In high school, Sister Hazel was my jam. I recall going to the "old Ziggys" (which was complete with a tarp roof) to see the band numerous times. One time, the concert was already sold out but my friend Laura and I decided to go sit in the parking lot with the windows down and listen anyway. Yeah, we were that cool. So this weekend Sister Hazel was back in town at the new Ziggys which is a huge step up from the tarp roof situation that use to be going on. I had a blast! Sister Hazel is one of those bands that even though they have come out with new stuff, they still play all the old stuff that everyone knows. It was fabulous! My friends and I danced the night away! Here are some pictures from our night out! Sadly, I didnt get many at the actual concert.

Miss Megan

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Herding Cats

Oh. My. Goodness. What a week! (And yes, I realize its not over yet!) Tuesday was our first day of school! I must have been so nervous last year since it was my first big girl job that I forgot anything about the first day. I forgot how little my newly three year old babies would really be! Wow!! And I totally forgot that no one really talks the first few days because the toys are all new and exciting so why socialize when you have a train table and a dress up box! Teachers actually walked past our classroom saying "Why is it so quiet in here?" I am not complaining at all, but it was almost strange! Come October I'm going to be wishing for the peaceful, quiet classroom back! Now walking in a line is a different story. Please picture trying to herd cats. As soon as you get them all going the right way for maybe 10 breaks the line then the next thing you know CHAOS! You have one in front of the line leader, four on the wrong side of the stairs, the line leader that wont move forward so everyone behind her is walking into her...forming a giant clump. YIKES! But its ok, we will get it. I have faith in my little polka-dots that we can master walking in a line by the third week of school. Challenge accepted!!

Everyday this week I have babysat at least once...but tuesday and thursday twice. As one of the moms at school put it today.. I hope I dont get burnt out on children by the time I'm married and want my own!

As I was babysitting tonight, the 7 year old boy asked..."When are you going to get married Miss Megan." I said "Whenever I find a husband!" He said "well when will that be?" I told him goodnight and we could talk about this when I overnight babysit him in a few weeks.

As for now, I have to go to sleep. I didnt sleep too well last night after I was awoken because I slammed my head into the wall beside my bed. I'm getting a little concerned about my sleeping habits and why I was violently moving my head to begin with! Yikes!!

Heres to a good night of sleep and a straight line at school tomorrow!

Miss Megan

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day Ya'll

How I'm spending my Labor Day!
Posted up at Starbucks working on lesson plans! 
I cant believe the first day of school is tomorrow!! Getting excited and nervous!! 

Miss Megan

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Polkadot Playhouse!

The Polkadot Playhouse is officially ready for all the little Polkadots to arrive on Tuesday! I'm just not so sure Miss Megan and Miss Amy are ready!! Only kidding, I cant wait and know it will be a fantastic year. Here are some pictures of the classroom after hours and hours and work, too many hot glue gun burns and a few staples in my feet! ha!

Miss Megan

Saturday, September 1, 2012

34-32 The Day I became a Mountaineer

September 1st 2007. A day that gives Mountaineers chills. This day will forever live in our hearts as the day we beat Michigan State. 

On September 1st 2007, I woke up in my lofted twin bed in Doughton, my freshman dorm. I had been in Boone for about 2 weeks and was absolutely loving it. I had made plans to watch the App/Michigan game with my new college boyfriend, lets call him C. I thought I was so cool because I had already found a boyfriend. Let me tell you what a mistake that was! So C and I stroll down to Legends, an on campus "venue" because they were playing the game. C and I find seats and begin to watch the game. I can remember seeing some of my football friends on the field, sending them a text, and actually getting a response from the field. Talk about making a freshman feel cool. Legends was packed with college students ready to watch the game. As much as we all would love to think we were about to beat Michigan...chances were not likely. This was my first game where I could watch MY college so I was excited win or lose. So the game goes on and we are down to the last few minutes. I wish I could explain what happened but it is all such a blur now. There was alot of sitting and standing and jumping and screaming and then....A WIN! Legends went crazy. There were tears, hugging of strangers, screaming, shocked faces and then....a rush of people running out of the door and onto the campus. Students flooded not only the Appalachian campus but all of 
Boone to run through the streets. Of course C and I join in the festivities. Next stop, the football field. As a Freshman, I have no idea what is going on, I'm just running around being excited. I am stunned as I see the field goal being torn down right before my eyes. Its not left on the field, no, its going with us. So the parade continues...only this time with a field goal. Street lights are being taken down left and right but theres no stopping the GIANT group of students with a field goal. The craziness continues for awhile....ok awhile is an understatement. This goes on all afternoon and evening. Around 12 that night, there is a giant gathering at the stadium as the football team arrives back in town! It was as if they were heroes! I wish I could talk about the day more but its been five years. Here are some of my own pictures from the day and some that were taken by others. 

September 1st 2007 will forever be the day I became a Mountaineer. 

September 1st 2012: ASU vs. ECU.
Lets go 'Neers! 

Miss Megan