Monday, September 26, 2011

Lots to catch up on...

Ok, so I have completely failed at updating this. Sorry to Janie for not giving you entertainment. I will try to recap the past two weeks, but it might be difficult, so much has happened!!

To update you on our hermit crab. Just when I thought things couldnt get worse, Amy and I walked into the classroom last week to find the poor hermit crabs claw laying next to him. It apparently fell off in the middle of the night. Amy immediately picked the crab up figuring that it was D-E-A-D (we spell that word at school, dont want the kiddos getting concerned) but nope, it was still kickin'....just kickin' without a leg. I researched on google and apparently this is common for hermit crabs that have undergone stress and environmental changes. Go figure, now we are dealing with a depressed crab.

This past weekend I ventured to Boone to relive my glory days. There will be a update coming about that experience. Let me tell you, it was an adventure to say the least.

Last week I had the privilege to take the girl im babysitting to dance class. Talk about CUTE. I'm talkin' monogrammed leotards, precious matching bows, and totally uncoordinated when it came to actually dancing.  It was the most precious thing ever. While I was there, I hung out with 4 mothers who were all pregnant. This was an enlightening experience.

Recently, I have been asked about my love life. Well as College Town Grad on twitter put it, "At this point I have a better chance of finding Waldo than a boyfriend." And I will leave it at that.

Dinner time. Will post more later.

Miss Megan

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