Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ok, its official. I have no future in blogging.

Why do I keep forgetting to update this? There have so many things that have happened since the last post. I have no idea where to start....but here we go.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lots to catch up on...

Ok, so I have completely failed at updating this. Sorry to Janie for not giving you entertainment. I will try to recap the past two weeks, but it might be difficult, so much has happened!!

To update you on our hermit crab. Just when I thought things couldnt get worse, Amy and I walked into the classroom last week to find the poor hermit crabs claw laying next to him. It apparently fell off in the middle of the night. Amy immediately picked the crab up figuring that it was D-E-A-D (we spell that word at school, dont want the kiddos getting concerned) but nope, it was still kickin'....just kickin' without a leg. I researched on google and apparently this is common for hermit crabs that have undergone stress and environmental changes. Go figure, now we are dealing with a depressed crab.

This past weekend I ventured to Boone to relive my glory days. There will be a update coming about that experience. Let me tell you, it was an adventure to say the least.

Last week I had the privilege to take the girl im babysitting to dance class. Talk about CUTE. I'm talkin' monogrammed leotards, precious matching bows, and totally uncoordinated when it came to actually dancing.  It was the most precious thing ever. While I was there, I hung out with 4 mothers who were all pregnant. This was an enlightening experience.

Recently, I have been asked about my love life. Well as College Town Grad on twitter put it, "At this point I have a better chance of finding Waldo than a boyfriend." And I will leave it at that.

Dinner time. Will post more later.

Miss Megan

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday in the Polka-dot Playhouse

Wow. What a day. I'm not even sure where to start. It was overall, an okay day I guess. Mostly just chaotic and crazy. Oh well, what can you expect with 14 three year olds? On the playground I was greeted with a GIANT hug by one of the girls I babysit who is in the 4 year old class. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and proceeded to tell her how beautiful she looked today. She had no interest in complements however, she ripped her headband off her head and flung it into my hands saying "here hold this" as she sprinted off to the other side of the playground to catch up with her friends. I guess the babysitter gets to be in charge of clothing items on the playground. She is just precious and makes my day every time I get to see her.
I swear our hermit crab (the polka-dot class pet) in invincible or something. One day Amy left him/her in the car when it was about 95 degrees. Somehow the hermit crab survived. Last night, Amy put him/her outside during the afternoon so it could get some fresh air (our classrooms are really cold.) Well low and behold, Amy forgot about our dear friend and it ended up spending the night outside of the preschool door. Oops. When Amy arrived this morning, she immediately went to see if our dear friend was still outside. It was! She carefully brought the hermit crab into the classroom. We put it back in its normal spot in the room. After about 2 hours, Amy informed me that ants had invaded the cage while the hermit crab spent the night outside. GREAT. So then we were trying to battle an army of ants that had decided to make a home in our hermit crabs cage. Somehow, the hermit crab has still survived all of these horrific experiences. What a trooper.

Until tomorrow (or I have something else to blog about)
Miss Megan

P.S. check out this presh headband I crafted to sport at the App tailgate next weekend!

Monday, September 12, 2011

#2 You know you are a preschool teacher/ babysitter when...

A few months ago you were getting texts from random boys. Now you  get random texts from families who have gotten your name from other families and need a babysitter.

#1: You know you are a preschool teacher and/or babysitter when....

Someone texts you to hang out and you respond: "Im sorry, I'm playing mommy tonight."

Polka-dots learning the rules

For the past week, the polka-dots have been spending alot of time learning the rules of the polka-dot playhouse and SPP. Who knew learning how to walk in a straight line could be so challenging. We have spent lots of time working on being able to sit "criss cross apple sauce" which has been a daunting task for most. Some of their legs simply do not bend that way on their own yet! All of these things will come with time, practice and patience! After school I ventured to one of my students house who I am going to watch after school for the next two weeks. She seemed a bit confused as to why Miss Megan was at her house and not just at school. As her mother and I talked and she showed me around the house, the little girl realizes no one is paying attention to her. She becomes annoyed and yells "EVERYBODY." As her mother and I turned to her with surprised looks on our faces, she says in a quiet and innocent voice, "stop talking!" It was so cute that she was so frustrated that no one way paying attention to her she became angry and started to yell, but once she got our attention, she returned back to her sweet and innocent demeanor.
This evening I babysat for a new family that has 2 beautiful blonde girls. The family rarely has babysitters so the girls considered it a holiday. As I walk in the door, the youngest daughter turns to her mom and says, "ok, bye mom." I had such a good time spending the evening with these two girls. I wish they used babysitters more often!!

Tomorrow is another day in the polka-dot playhouse! I can't wait to see what happens!

Miss Megan

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kids say the darnest things

"How do you say "red" in Spanish?" Ms. Amy
"Red in Spanish." Ansley

Oh, to be three again!