Monday, November 5, 2012

November 4: Boone, NC

I am thankful for Boone, NC and Appalachian State University on November 4th. Honestly no words can describe the city or the school unless you have attended the university or spent time in Boone. I'm not sure whether its the mountains that make you feel safe and protected, or the community feel of the school but part of my heart will always be in Boone.

November 3: Sigma Kappa

On November 3 I am thankful for all that encompasses Sigma Kappa. I am thankful for the organization, the friendship, the functions and the rituals. I am thankful for my 4 years in the sorority and for making me into the person I am today.

Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2: Charlie

Day 2: My dog.

I love my ancient dinosaur of a dog, Charlie, who is now 14 years old. Being an only child, he really is like a family member as cheesy as that sounds. Even though he cant really play anymore because he falls over, or he cant see and gets lost in the house, I still love him very much and he brightens my day!

November 1: Family

Ive decided to do this whole "I'm thankful for...." thing every day this month. Lets see if I can make this happen.

Day 1: I am thankful for my family.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Patience and Prayers

Tomorrow I will be facing a difficult situation. I can honestly say I think everything I learned in my four years of college comes down to this. I wish I could elaborate, but I just cant. Lots of prayers are needed. I need my patience and a whole lot of empathy, which is what basically an entire class in college was about. I can do this. I am prepared for this.


an anxious Miss Megan

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Queen City

Last night I went to Charlotte to visit my best friend Lauren and her boyfriend James. Lauren was my college best friend and roommate for our year in the APH. She recently moved from Tennessee to Charlotte which is super exciting because she is closer to me! I was excited about visiting Charlotte because the last time I was there, I was in high school touring colleges. I had no idea what to expect. Of course as we walked the streets I kept my eyes open for an Emily and Jef spotting, but no such luck. We went to a bar called Black Finn. This bar was recommended to me by a... lets call him...friend. This same friend met us there for drinks. It was fabulous catching up with him because its been about 2 years since we have spoken. It was weird though.. at some moments I felt like I was meeting him for the first time, and at other moments it seemed like we were right back where we were 2 years ago. I also got to see my baby cousin Lynsey! She stopped by Black Finn! Cant believe how much she has grown up! We hung out at Black Finn for a few hours then decided to head back to Lauren and James' apartment. Another acquaintance lives in Charlotte and stopped by the apartment to say hello after we got home from uptown. Lets call him..."mr. perfect." Mr. Perfect is a whole different story for another blog post, but it was great to see him also. My night ended as I fell asleep happily on the couch watch Friends. I was not so happy this morning when I realized I had left the tv on and woke up to Spongebob yelling at me about eating crabby patties! Today Lauren and I ventured to Concord Mills to do a little shopping. After visiting Charlotte, I have figured out that there is more to the world than Winston-Salem. I think it might be time to expand my horizons after this school year. 
We'll see. 


Miss Megan